
Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life: From the Cross, for the World is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dietrich Bonhoeffer died a martyr’s death at the age of 39 but remains one of the most influential and challenging theologians of our time. His writings teach us the value of cross-centered theology, and his courageous actions against the Nazi regime compel us to consider the cost of discipleship. From Bonhoeffer we learn that the Christian life is lived both alone and together, and that there is...

In short, Bonhoeffer was questioning the new values of the twentieth century regarding the estimation of life. Or maybe there’s nothing all that new about twentieth-century perspectives after all. Bonhoeffer saw implications within an orthodox christology for how one lives. By coming to grips with our own sinfulness we cultivate a little humility. By coming to grips with Christ’s humiliation and his taking on flesh and fully identifying with us, we cultivate a little more humility (Philippians 2).
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